Mar 18, 2010

Gangaur Teej !

Gangaur teej is nothing but a festival of India, where women and girls keep a fast, for the day, and open their fast after  having a particular type of boiled leaf.

(Doesn't it appear, that you are reading some Indian Heritage Blog ??) haha

Why I pen it here is, because today is Gangaur, and I am fasting.
Hey, besides, lemme tell you what is the story or rather, cut it short, I'll directly tell you wat the purpose is.
It is a festival where-in the fast and pooja is for praying to God to give the girls the ideal hubby, and to thank Him for the perfect hubby women got (or pray for their long-life!)

So, I am fasting today in hope of getting a hubby like the God himself.
(But, it shud be some light years from now...seriously !!)

Anyways, A good news my way: I started my Internship today. (18th March.2010)

Despite the conspiracy that the University people did (Enrolled two students by the same number, and then, withheld our results.), despite the un-co-operation the Babus at University showed (refused to help us out in any possible way they could), and despite the ruddiness of our very own Academic Head (did not approve of starting the internship on a provisional basis), I started it.
Thanks to our very own Acharya Ji and Ram Kumar Ji (the only babus in the whole world who are utmost helping, and stay with you through thick and thin. KUDOS !! ) and also a very big thanks to Doctor DSC (A personality that might not be good for some people, but he has always been sooo helpful and soo caring in my case.)

Thanks a lot people...

Btw, I start OBG.

Tele says: 2 months of hell. :-D

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