Mar 26, 2010

Insanely Freaking !!

Yeah, that's the appropriate synonym for the day that passed by. 

Day 2, LR Evening Duty.

Started with a Breech delivery (I missed witnessing it!) of an Anencephalic child. (clicked a lot many pics) :-)

An almost psychopath lady who, on the labour table, refused to let us touch her, and when R1 (resident-1st year) tried to help her with an episiotomy incision, she let her legs go to hit R1 smack on her chest. Violently insane she was. VIP treatment she had, with 3 nursing staff, a R1 and an intern, all in her service. :-D She finally delivered, but the episiotomy closure was the hell of a task. Earlier it was for the sake of her child, that she had mellowed down, but, Now, Huh! (In the meanwhile, we had some more deliveries and the staff had gotten busy. We were in need of some empty tables, and she wasn't co-operating. We had called for some sedatives, and anti-anxiety drugs to facilitate our work, and while they were being procured, R2 asked me to go and calm her down. (What! She wants me, end up beaten!! ) *But, Do what your senior says. No Ifs, No Buts. Whateva it might me. Just do. 
Talked to this lady, in my rotten-marwari, told her, its only after anesthetising that v'll stitch you up. It's not going to pain. And If it does, tell us, Don't hit. It is for your own good. 
Aaannnnnd ....she agreed. 

But, only when I do it, myself. (Ha ha. It only confirmed the fact that 'She was insane'. She wanted an intern like me, to stitch her up. With me doing that job, she would be having her vagina open into urethra, and cervix  closed. I mean, I can do anything, and everything wrong !)
Anyways, consoled her to get it done by the R1, and stood there beside her, all the while. 
A helluva task accomplished. (seriously.)
Learned taking samples. Learned breaking bad news to relatives. (Two pre-diagnosed intra-uterine foetal deaths) Saw a pre-term delivery (1 Kg child) Learned the endocervical application of PGE2. (was being done for a congenitally malformed fetus, a post-term pregnancy, an IUD) 

Saw another case, of septic shock. Ran to the ICU to get hydrocortisone, patient saved. 

Also saw, what position a female child has in the minds of people. As soon as she delivered, and saw the female child, she shouted, 'Daakan aayi gi' (A witch has come) 
What followed was a Super-lovely speech by our head nurse. And she was forced to say,' Sorry. I will never say it again.' 

Emergency duty today. 

*Had a chance to conduct a delivery, all by myself. But, it was about time that duties changed, and the R3's wrath was better prevented. 

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