Mar 29, 2010

Emergency Duties

The duties, apparently, had only emergency in its name, and its place, i.e Emergency Center of the Hospital.

The patients who registered their presence, had either come to show their reports, or get their BP checked, or to  get some injections administered, or to get blood tranfused. A few of them, had come to get ascites treated (@ OBG !! referred them to Medicine), and some had come to get their breast diseases evaluated ( referred them to Surgery dept.). A few had come 'cause they had started to have the labor pains/ leaking per vaginum (admitted to Labor room)
In all, what an emergency means here, is the procedure of getting admission, either to the wards, or to the labor room.

Advantage Me:  Learnt Per Vaginum examination. Theoritically knew it, but doing it on patients, is seriously an another world, alltogether.
Earlier, was too apprehensive of hurting the patients, hence, did a very very gentle examination (Read as: Just entered and without touching the walls, finished it.)
Thence, just felt the vaginal walls, and could not even feel the cervix, and out.
Then, touched the os, and out. (as if that was a reptile and would retaliate back, and sting me.) :-D
Then, entered the cervix, and Voila ! felt the fetal membranes. (smoothly sliding)
Finally, evaluated the dilatation of cervix, and felt the vertex of the fetus (granular feel to the tip-due to hairs) and was lucky enough to have a breech presentation (felt the soft buttocks, and also could identify some small fetal parts (which I suppose so, were the feet, or could be the fetal genitalia.)

PV is definitely not fun.
Neither for the doctor, and Never for the patient.
The force with which you try to enter your fingers in, and the depth you wanna reach, It all feels weird. Poking  in.
Exploration of the cavity is the only attraction that keeps me going.


OPD Tomrw !!

PS: Emergency Sign Board :    ;-)

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