Aug 29, 2011

Mummy, My Kid!

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She greets a chirpy 'Happy Morning' every dawn
plants a kiss & hugs as we let out a yawn.
The enthusiasm, freshness - she exudes of a kid
learnt the ways to wish, who recently did.

My Mummy- She's my kid, my baby...
like her, one day, I pray to be...

She reads my thoughts, insecurities & fears
looks deep into the heart, strips my soul & washes it clear.
Her presence is divine, like that of a kid...
You share yourself out, keeping nothing hid.

She scolds, shows an eye and goes cross
when I err, fight, lose focus or try to boss.
She then explains the right, advices & preaches in mid
And, then loves unconditionally, truly, like a kid.

She teases, plays, laughs, cries along
teaches me the virtues & makes me strong
Night falls, she hugs & sleeps cuddled like a kid
with her soft skin & her smell - all the worries do get rid.

My Mummy- She's my kid, my baby...
like her..
one day...
I hope to be...

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