Jul 17, 2011


Smiles, Frowns and Tears...
The bonds of several years
found a new zenith

Laughs, Jokes and Care...
The new entrant, the pair
dissolved in us with ease

What more could a soul want...!
The future blending with the existant
and only happiness to ricochet.

Meaning, Purpose to Life met
The things flying are now, all set
Liberation it is, Indeed the 'Moksha'

< Sis engaged, He taken up...One happy family it is. >

Status: In Peace!


Ankit said...

"Status: In peace."

So nice to see that.

Also, possibly one of your shortest poems. That is so unlike you.

mgeek said...

There's something special about short poems. they're so inviting...

Tele Jane said...

Ankit, Sometimes being unlikely can be refreshing... :)

Thanks, for poking into my peace. :P

Tele Jane said...

mgeek, there's something about simple short comments. they're true... =Dts. they're true... =D

Tele Jane said...

*being unlike