Aug 13, 2014

Marriage = Adjustments

Two of my friends are getting married and are having their share of worries about how will they live according to their in-laws. Their worries are based on the torturing experiences that other women have recited to them. What they are unaware about is the amount of adjustment one has to put in to adjust according to your life partner as well. 

There is a pattern that I have observed. They all seem so supportive till engagement, promising to go lengths to make you feel at ease. Post engagement, they want you to understand that you have to go according to your family's wishes and do certain things in certain ways. Post-marriage, you are left alone in the house of your new family trying to adjust. For him it is home, and he conveniently overlooks that it might be new for us and we might be actively remolding ourselves every minute that we spend there. A mention of even a small thing that hurt you is taken aggressively with anger and it becomes a lonely world from there on. You're left to not share the bad moments of the day with him so as to avoid the confrontation that will make you feel even more lonelier. Yeah, that's the kind of partner that every Indian Male becomes. Wait, continue to isn't that way forever. Post the initial 1-2 years of the married life, the guy now starts to understand that his wife has given so much to the family and that she might also be needing some love, affection and someone to share her heart out. The time when he starts to adjust for you. This is the stage when the couple has really fallen in love, in its truest sense. When there is not merely reception of love, but also reciprocation.

It might seem tough and hard in the middle, but patience and tolerance and true love will cruise you through. Give, Give, Give. You'll surely reap sweet fruits sooner or later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everything you write are so insightful that I would request you to never stop writing.

I was recently getting acquainted with a certain guy and things were moving fast until one day he decided that a full stop has to be put. It all ended as fast as it had started. Made me curl up on the bed for days and question everything in my life.

Then I read this and it actually helped me move on from the unsuccessful relationship.

You made me realise that things will not be easy even after marriage and needs constant efforts from both ends to keep things stable. So if a person is not willing to work on minor misunderstandings just a month into the relationship then it is better to stay FAR away from such a person.