Jan 21, 2011


Yeah. This blog is.
And, So am I.
But, not one amongst us. (A junior, a final year medical student, succumbed to the 10-long day traumatic phase of Septicemia)
Feels like the '24th November.2006' misfortune recapped itself. 

Despite the many deaths witnessed, the departure of a known soul, does hurt. Immensely.
Makes one question the laws of God, or flaws. Period.
RIP Chanchal. Above all, Peace to the mourning family.

Life moves on...
And, so should we. 

Have been on p(e)trol ever since. (Jaipur, Banad and Bhadwasia)
Intern duties have been tougher. (more on the transport front)
Reading has been on cards. Photography took the rest of time.
Life's running...and I feel I am with it.

The two-in-one paperback version I read

Sidney Sheldon's been the company.
'Memories of Midnight' was neither a disappointment nor a treat.
'The Naked Face' dissolved all the questions raised at Sidney's art. Dr. Judd Stevens, the psychoanalyst, instilled pride in the medic-that-I-am.
'Wuthering Heights', half-read, gives an insight into the art of writing of the medieval times. Distinct and diverse from the present times.

A small note:
Rushing is not my idea.
Cheating, I don't practice.
And, Spontaneity is what I am brimming with.
Sorry, but I can't be conditioned,
and I fail miserably at the art of manipulation.


PS: So hate the transformation of the blog into the mere 'timeline' of the recent instances in my life.
Hoping I get more time for the blog. =D


Chandrika Shubham said...

I like PS. :)

Tele Jane said...

Hope you have fun at Goa!! ;-)