Aug 26, 2010


This is 'God-knows' what form of writing!!
Sincere Apologies.To all the literature lovers.
The following post is supposed to 'just' be the words that my haphazard-confused mind uses to vent out the conflicts that smash it from within.

'Desires many-Decisions awaited-actions none' -- This state of mind, which is questioning the worth of each step you take, asking whether it will ever make you reach your ultimate goal. (the one which is yet not decided!) 

The musings of a frustrated-goalless-rhetoric mind::


Stagnant is this life.
Not a step it takes, 
nor a step it erases.
It sits crippled,
at the feet of Will.

Will, which is fast asleep.
Or maybe just ignorant.
Or loving the sweet Dreams.
Dreams that are many,
hobbies that are aplenty.
But, no future does lie in them.
They'll soothe you only in leisure
'LIFETIME' ain't one moment.

So, break up the belief
Wake up the will.
Coz, late you can't be
The world's ready to kill.

Stagnant waters.
Carry with them,
the ova & the spores.
Let'em breed, and you'll see
a hundred other creatures
all flying in glee.

I know, I know it all.
And, abiding is easy enough to say,
but, difficult when heart has another call.

What is more difficult:
to know what your heart wants,
walk on the path that mind decides?

Practically, you know.
Time isn't worth a waste.
Still, you walk aimlessly
coz what you're supposed to do
isn't tempting at all.

Why do we grow up? 

And why do we start understanding things?

Why can't we be fooled anymore that studies now, are worth it?

This is not a phase where motivation could be instilled/ injected/ fed to me.

Isn't it supposed to be the time when the motivation comes from within?

Empty souls, absolutely no ambitions, don't have a 'within' !!

And what is such a soul supposed to do??

On an Optimistic note:

One day I hope,
One day I'll feel,
    I'll know...
That THIS is what I want!!

And up-till then,
Break up the belief
Wake up the will.
Coz, late you can't be
The world's ready to kill. 

Irony is that unless we work, unless we show up, we'll never know what we want.
It's something like the retrospective 'been there-done this-and eventually loved it' feeling!

If we keep our hearts closed, we'll never love. Come what may.

So, Let the next door guy come in,
How-so-much you hate him
Just lend him this chance. ;-)

All love stories ain't first-sighted!! 

'Atleast, mine isn't supposed to be one! ' -Tele says.


1 comment:

Tele Jane said...

This is, by-far, my mooost spontaneous writing.
It's erroneous, It conflicts itself.
But, ain't that what our mind does too??

Also, Lots of philosophies can be put 'for' it, and 'against' it too.

But, I am not looking for any advices here, coz its me who can advice me best!!

And surprisingly, this 3-minute of venting did better me. :-)


For my stability purposes, I'm not allowing comments on this.

I hope you'll understand.


PS: Am not always so rigid, So, maybe, you can comment some other time. :)
But, do come!! :)