Apr 19, 2009

In the path to success

Read it somewhere......

In the path to success:

With each step ahead, you will find people, waiting there to pull you down
With each bit of smile on your face, they will try to turn it into sadness
With each piece of life that you gain, they will wish you get a taste of death
With each close friendship you make, they will spoil it, and it'll give them happiness

Each moment you spend on earth, they will try to remind you, of your limitations
Each dream that you see, they will reject it, asking you to be practical
Every small thing that you do for others, you'll be forced to be selfish
Each new step that you take, they'll try to remind you of failures you want to forget

They will laugh at you, defame you, underestimate you and undermine you
They will push you back, or pull you down, or throw you in a pit
They will befriend you, when times are good, and success they can see
They will walk with you for some time, and leave when you're in need

But my friend, I tell you, dont get disheartened because its not their fault.. some people are just made to be like that.. don't ignore them, don't reject them.. just forgive them.. their friendship is necessary because company of such failed people is necessary to keep reminding you that..

Success lies not in approval by such people, nor in seeking their help
Success lied never with them, who always thought about self
Success means moving ahead, helping others, making people smile
Success means following your dreams, tirelessly, mile after mile

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