Dec 2, 2011


Barren lands I lay on, desolete, devastated;
Drenched in the puddle, had famine stricken eyes-
Closed, illusioning happiness still blanketed me;
blinding self to the shreds that now lay scattered,
where once lived my house of love.

Uprooted was the climber, we together had cultivated;
Clock had ceased it hands, called time;
The very foundation was no where to be found;
Deep in the heart, the rubbles had clotted-
refused to let it drain; eyes had come to rescue,
to sympathize with the crumbled backbone.

What if we had sown a tree, instead of a climber?
What if I had nurtured it with water, not blood?
What if I had not failed to sense it was coming?

Questions many I ask and answer,
Wounds many I harbour and bandage,
Prayers many I make and curse,
Hopes many I bead and live by
In the barren lands, lonely.

Accross the horizon, the sun shines bright;
It calls for me, promises me a new day;
Lending its hand, it wants me to stand;
Giving me sand, with architechture it helps;
Skies clear studded with stars are beautiful;
Night breeze wriggles and calms, it says;
Each dew drop on the flower is a magic;
Each shy smile on the lips is therapeutic;
New moon it makes me appreciate;
Only to be hurt, as the curves go down
with the remembrances of one such moon.
I go back to the pitch black nights,
the polar cold winds drag me back
to the barren desolete depressing lands.

Angry dark clouds hovered,
Loud lightening struck.
Scared, scarred, folded I weep
with the rains, in the rains.
Storms swelled, torrential rains washed
with hails that lashed and drops that caressed...
All within, the clots, the rubbles
it dissolved, drove and discarded.

Spring- it finally took me away;
With it, in its fragnant embrace;
Far, from the lands barren...
Far...into the castles on clouds...

(Written: 17.11.11)


Ankit said...

Your poems are becoming increasingly difficult to understand :|

You should probably start providing the context as a comment.

Tele Jane said...

Aye Aye Sir!

Context: Life presents harsh situations, and it also gives you optimism in some form or other...and It Goes On...

What is inflicted, will be healed.
What is shed in tears, will be regained in smiles.
What is snatched away, will be gifted in perfect wrappings.
C'est La Vie...