Jan 14, 2012


On a tete-a-tete with myself...

What am I supposed to be doing? 
What was my genesis for?

...Inquisitive, these questions irk me, for I fail to reach an answer to them!

And some answers that I hit...

To love, to appreciate...
To create, to enjoy...
To celebrate, to behold...
To lighten, to understand...
To solve, to breathe...
In the clear skies above the borderless earth

To transcend, to tranquilize...
To connect, to discover...
That life was beyond working...
It was about living,
To my heart's core...
Not to give in to the demands of time.

To fly free, to swim in water currents
and in midst stopping for some strength and some air.

Yes, I live in two different worlds...of my brain and of my heart...one which tries to stuff in wiseness and the
other which enraptures me to beauty and content...

Not difficult to guess which you'll find me right now in, Isn't it?

Courtesy Google for Images!

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