Sep 27, 2011

Is this an escape?

Sneak out from
this world,
I wanna.
To Alice's

Shrink and grow
giant sized,
I wanna.
In the very
consecutive seconds.

Roam around
like her, free.
I wanna.
In the dense
forests & palaces.

Meet that
talking rabbit,
I wanna.
Cuddle and
converse for hours.

Wear those
fairy gowns,
I wanna.
In the ice cold breeze
around white trees.

Traverse areas
I wanna.
Live alone, isolated
in thoughts.

And then, break free
from that world,
I wanna.
Whenever I wished.
Pinch. Ouch.

Dreams a lot
I concoct.
All strange
and weird,
I know.

Reality is a
bit less dreamy.
Work and duties
are many. Hmm.
Is this an escape?

Is there an escape?

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