Sep 24, 2011

Crazy Superstitions!!

She believes in the presence of that Supreme Almighty. She has grown up that way, amongst superstitions, around miracles, believing magic exists in the stone-statues, accepting the co-existence of spirits - good and bad. When she was young, she used to regularly visit that temple, where the bad spirits were extracted from people's bodies. She had seen absolutely normal people turn wild, change voices, and act weirdly. And, she had seen how in the premises of the temple, they had healed, calmed down, and after losing chunks of energy, returned back to their hometowns. Her elders had told her, that the energy was lost for the soul was fighting the spirit. Those nights she just used to sleep cuddled to her mother. She never slept with her granny. Granpa had told her not to. Also, she never ate from her granny's platter. All this, he had instructed her one fine evening, when she was busy doing her homework on the dining table. She said, she didn't have a study table those days. And, ever since then, she never had the habit of studying on a studying table. She always preferred a dining table, if not her bed. That evening, her granny had suddenly started shouting 'Allah Allah!' in a very hoarse manly voice. Before, she had been able to figure out anything more, her father had taken her in a room and locked the door from outside. Some days later, they had gone to that temple again, but, she was left at her cousins place.

As kids, she used to talk with her cousins at her maternal grandpa's home about how bad an omen was a cat crossing her path, about how the flickering of the right eyelid was bad and the left one, a good omen. They used to tell her how true it was for them. She had ridiculed it. It was then, when she heard her mother stating instances to her sister-in-law about how she believed in it.

Her mother's father was quite a spiritual man, she told. People from across the town used to come to meet him. Her mother had told her, 'Grandpa is blessed, He can read the signals of the God. Infact, he has conversations with the almighty.'

As a teenager, she used to be amused by such talks. She had no reason to not believe that this was nothing but a figment of people's imagination and blind faith. She remembered having a few conversations and discussions with her father. He had not dismissed it altogether. She remembers, he had said, ' But, they are non-existent is not the truth either.' He had quoted a few strange instances which could not be explained otherwise.

When the financial downturns took place, some years later, her father had become a regular to vastu-shastra consultants, astrologers and tantriks. She had seen him do crazy things at home. She had overheard him one day talking to her mother,' old lady lies buried in our very house, whose spirit is cursing us.'
She had slept sleepless nights for months together, when lot of learned people had agreed to such influences existant.

They had shifted to a new home. She had enrolled into a new interesting course. She had visited that temple that spring. In front of the statue she had stood, staring direct and deep into the well carved beautiful eyes. She had stared for quite long, not batted an eyelid, and had kept on mumbling verses. She had a flash of light in front of her, and the statue had moved, the temple had disappeared, and only blue skies behind the statue had existed. Tears had flooded her eyes. She had been awestruck. She didn't talk about it to anyone. She had felt it would be laughed upon.

Few months later, she started noticing some random patterns in the things around her. A fixed pattern seemed to have taken a shape. She had noticed a relation between some involuntary eye movements and the instances that followed. A few instances later, she wrote what she was expecting to happen. Twice and thrice when it did happen, she knew it was for real. But, it was vague. She only knew the nature of it - good or bad, and knew that it would only be about her or her near and dears.

She has been doing this - noticing patterns and firming a belief that she is told about the good or bad expected next by God himself - since 2 or 3 years now. She doesn't tell it to anyone other than her mother, who believes in her intuitions. She reads them, sometimes they are true, sometimes they are not. But, most of the times, she finds out a reason to justify her intuition. She lives an alternative facet of life, where knowing a bad intuition causes her inners to split. She's left thinking and asking for more from the one, who she thinks empowers her. She has started to believe that it exists, so much so that even in day to day living her subconscious automatically deciphers the signs.

She's here with me, for she wants to get rid of this belief. Reinforcement has lend her a disturbed soul and an extinguished peace of mind.

Crazy Superstitions!!

Hoping she heals soon!

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