Jan 6, 2011

Hi. This is Me.

This is me.
...When kids my age are spending time playing outdoors & watching movies, 
I'm sitting in my room with my books 
as I have to clear this tough exam to enter my career field.

This is me.
...When adolescents my age are having crushes, pimples and dinners outside, 
I'm trying to understand the human systems and their diseases.

This is me.
...When youth my age are dating, smoking 
and boozing with their peers, 
I'm discussing the treatments to human ailments with mine, 
adorning blood stained robes.

This is me.
...When my school friends are outing, roaming 
and discovering the world, having no answerability, 
I'm sitting amongst the sick, poor & ailed, 
all of whom are my responsibilities.

This is me.
...When people my age are spending their salaries
 on the worldly pleasures, 
I'm left with no time to treat myself,
 even with the fortune I'm building.

© Tele_Jane

This is me.
...When fellows my age are heart-broken,
 for their love left them, 
I've already witnessed thousands of innocent souls depart into nothingness.

This is me.
...When buddies my age are married, 
& are treasuring their times with their kids, 
I'm waiting eagerly for spending some quality time with my kids 
& hoping to capture those moments into memories.

This is me.
...When professionals my age are working in the limited time fashion, 
I'm slogging late nights, updating myself with the recent advances, 
so that my knowledge cures others.

This is me.
...When aged my age are retiring, 
and re-living the nostalgic memories of their youth, 
I am left with no energy & ability to create those memories.

This is me.
...A Medic. A Doctor.
'I, who, lived my life for others.
For humanity.'

Clicked from a hoarding in UMCG Hospital, Groningen.
© Tele_Jane


neal said...

That is why, you are more special than others.

Tele Jane said...

Yeah, Doctors are indeed special. :)

neal said...

for you may be every doctor but,
for me only few doctors are special.

Tele Jane said...

@ Neal- Right now I was talking about how doctors are special in respect to the rest population.

alok said...

not liking the negativism :( doesn't suite u :)

neal said...

what ever, what ever,,, tele


Tele Jane said...

@ Alok Boss-
Yeah, it's a bit dark. But, it's anyways quite a truth.
PS: Would try and let light penetrate. :)

ice,water,vapour said...

the best I've read on a doc coming 4m a doc...the portrayal of angst is simply brilliant....

Tele Jane said...

@ Clueless -
Some put it as angst, some as negativism. I assert, it was none.
It is plain truth, some of which brings the sense of responsibility, and some of which portrays our plight.

Besides, Thanks for the generous appreciation. :-)

ice,water,vapour said...

well...the appreciation was well-deserved tele....
and it definitely portrayed the truth...I cudnt agree more :)

ice,water,vapour said...
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