Mar 28, 2010

Make Over !

Even If time didn't allow Me a make-over,

This blog did.

How do you find this template ?


Ankit said...

Google tried to model Orkut on the lines of Facebook and now Blogger on the lines of Wordpress. But this time, I like the changes that they have bring.

As for this tempelate, except for the brown background, its good.

Tele Jane said...

You, for sure, need a color blindness test done.

This black and gray stuff is appearing brown !! Strange.

Tele Jane said...

Hey, buddy.
It is seriously strange.
On my Notebook, its Black, the way I wanted it to be, and On my PC, its Brown, the way you see it to be.

So, I'm taking back me words. hmmm. Taking back my words. ;-)