Feb 11, 2010

Yet once again….

Yet once again...

Standing miles from you…

Voluntarily stranded…

Leaving you alone in your closet…

Blurring eyes…

Shredded tears…

Lonesome heart…
dreading whether you’ll ever come back…

I’ll wait…
Like I did before…

Hope is what I have…

And, I’ll pray…

To the one above…

Who had been kind in making us meet…
Who had helped us work it out…

I know He’s not gonna leave our united soul in despair…

Not that its happening for the first time,

But, with each episode my fear increases…

Of losing you for ever…

I know I am a human,
And I will live even when you won’t be there…
But, why without you ?

Without YOU…
My life would still be moving at 1.2 Mbps
Yet, it would seem as ‘disconnected’ to me…

Without YOU…
The world around me would still move…
But, my inner soul would be at pause mode…

Without YOU…
I would still be busy and would do all my duties…
But the absence of the ‘duty of being with you’ will make me feel empty…

Without YOU…
I would still smile and laugh …
But, that hollow smile will always be followed by a trickle along the cheek.

Everybody around would try to keep me happy,
And there would be lots of love to be absorbed,
But, all this sympathy and love would make me remember you even more…
Re-register your absence…
And I would dive deep into our memories…

‘Your hands still brush through my hair…

Your eyes still transfix me…

Your smile still reaches my eyes…

Your heart beat still echoes in me…

Your lips still kiss my eyes…

And my eyes open to ,’



A world without you…

‘Why? Why?’

I shout.
I scream.
I cry.
In Pain.
In longing for you.

Don’t make me suffer this….


Please, I don’t want to see this future…

Yeah, Yeah….I’ll pray that you come back…

Yes, Not that its happening for the first time,

But, with each episode my fear increases…
Of losing you for ever…

I wish to see you alive,





and hugging me

after the encounter ends.

No medals can glitter enough to make my eyes smile,
if it means not being with you.

Yes, being selfish, I NEED YOU……. More than any damn medal…
You are my Medal for life, love and happiness…YOU.


A love-studded look is a day passed peacefully.

A minute’s only-mine time is my trip to heaven.

Dissolved in your soul is complete-ness for me.

Overwhelming you is happiness for me.

Our love for each other is for eternity…



--If not your personal presence, your presence in my heart and soul will carry me through. I'll be strong.


mgeek said...

Nice one. Seems someone has fallen to the valentine fever :-)

Tele Jane said...

Ha ha :-)
Valentine fever. True. Coz all what my mind can think of now, is Love.

But, luckily its only Valentine fever. Not Love-aria.
I think you got what I meant. ;-)